Phoenix Central Park

Phoenix Central Park is a private performing arts venue and art gallery located in Sydney, Australia. Within the gallery a minimal material palette of concrete and timber provides a setting that art works can truly engage with. Large flexible spaces are paired with small, intimate and idiosyncratic spaces. 

Arts venue and art gallery - Australia
Durbach Block Jaggers Architects & John Wardle Architects
Oak Classic 
Thickness 22 mm. Width 125,150,200,250 mm. Length 1-4 m
Finish Not our finish

Dinesen Oak Classic floorboards create a warm and calm surface for the gallery’s visitors when they go explore this extraordinary space. 

The idea behind Phoenix Central Park was conceived by arts philanthropist Judith Neilson as a gesamtkunstwerk, or ‘total work of art’, encapsulated in the motto ‘art has moved off the wall’. Channeling this idea, John Wardle Architects and Durbach Block Jaggers teamed up to create a building that is not merely a receptacle of art and performance but an active participant in both. 

Galleries and performance spaces demand a certain interiority, closed off from the world at large to maintain a controlled environment. The continuous, mostly impermeable brick skin of the façade addressing the narrow street in Sydney acknowledges this. 

Dinesen is proud to be a part of this unique space that truly allows people to immerse themself in art and music.

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