Oak instruction videos

A Dinesen floor requires maintenance to stay beautiful. With the right treatment and products you will be able to enjoy your Dinesen floor for many years to come. In our instruction videos you will find further guidance. The videos provide guidance for both Oak and Ash plank floors.

Please note that the videos are intended as a guides only. We recommend that you read our guides for a detailed description. 

To order and purchase products in the maintenance series, please go to our webshop.

Sanding of Oak flooring

See how a newly installed Dinesen Oak plank floor is sanded. The sanding must be done carefully to get a good result. We therefore recommend that the work is carried out by a recognized and experienced professional.

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Oil finish

See how oil is applied to a newly installed or newly sanded Dinesen Oak plank floor.

The video only demonstrates the primary finishing process. The separate video on washing oil-finished floors shows subsequent maintenance.

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Washing of oil finished Oak flooring

See the best way to wash an oil-finished Dinesen Oak plank floor.

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See how to maintain an oil-finished Dinesen Oak plank floor.

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